Participants will have a hands on opportunity to learn new ways of making pictures and be inspired by discussing other photographers experimental approaches to photography, during the workshop. Weston will talk about and teach his darkroom techniques, by going through the steps of how to make outdoor photograms, pressed chemigrams and lightpaintings. Participants will explore cameraless photography making their own images in and out of the darkroom and learn how to think in new ways about the possibilities in how they work with analogue photography. 

Participants don´t need to bring any camera equipment or materials.

About Stig Marlon Weston

Weston has worked with cameraless and experimental photography in the darkroom for more than 20 years. Parallel to his career as a commercial photographer he has pursued his interest in the medium itself and the way we use it to interpret, organize and explain the world around us. Combining these interests Weston creates photo projects that are beautiful and unique but also challenges the viewer´s perception of photography and the way they look at the world.

His cameraless photographs have been represented at the annual state arts exhibition in Norway and at the Norwegian national museum of photography´s summer festival. As well as being awarded international prizes land been exhibited abroad in New York, London and Berlin.

Profesionales de tu aprendizaje.

El equipo docente de la Escuela de Fotografía APERTURA son fotógrafos en activo con muchos años de experiencia y están siempre dispuestos a hacer el aprendizaje efectivo y ameno. Además contamos con más de 20 colaboradores, que imparten masterclass y talleres monográficos de fin de semana.

APERTURA es un lugar de encuentro para compartir conocimientos, en el que los alumnos aprenden no sólo la técnica fotográfica, sino una nueva forma de mirar el mundo.

Una escuela de fotografía única en andalucía.

  • Profesores expertosNuestro equipo esta formado por fotógrafos en activo con años de experiencia.
  • Prácticas profesionalesNuestros alumnos de Máster aplican sus conocimientos en empresas e instituciones.
  • Masters, cursos y talleresUna oferta formativa para todos los niveles y necesidades.
  • TitulaciónNuestros diplomas privados certifican el buen aprendizaje y hacer de nuestros alumnos.

Abre tu mundo audiovisual

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